Future Speakers |
Mar 31 2010 Neil Meyer
"Teen Challenge Victoria" | Apr 7 2010 Alan Lachman
"Insight Education Centre for the Blind & Vision Impaired" | Apr 14 2010 Keith Weihl
"To be confirmed" | Apr 21 2010 Nina Vallins
"Project Respect" | May 26 2010 Adam Smith
"Foundation for Young Australians" | Jun 2 2010 Ray Campbell
"The Australian Volunteer Coast Guard" | Jun 23 2010 Nick Bailey
"Australian National Academy of Music" |
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Bulletin No. RCAP...677
Wednesday March 24, 2010
Our Club Website Address is http://www.clubrunner.ca/albertpark
| This Week - Presenters
Greig Mc Ewan will be giving a brief presentation about the internet.
Loretta Michaelsen will be giving a brief presentation about Clubrunner.
Please come prepared with any questions.
We also look forward to the Vocational Committee presenting awards.
| Next Weeks Speaker Neil Meyer
This weeks guest speaker Neil Meyer Executive DirectorTeen Challenge Victoria. He will be talking about the
residential treatment and training program for young menwith life-controlling issues and addictions at a Training Centre on a 60 acre rural property in Kyabram Victoria.
Teen Challenge began in 1958, when a young preacher, named David Wilkerson, was moved with compassion to reach out to young people on the streets of New York. His story is retold in the bestselling book, The Cross and the Switchblade, which has sold over 15 million copies worldwide. Since then, Teen Challenge has spread to approximately 1000 centres in over 80 countries around the world.
Teen Challenge Victoria has been providing help for people caught up in drug and alcohol abuse, and other life-controlling problems for over 30 years. We are an inter-denominational ministry and registered charity that is governed by a Board of directors, including the Executive Director. As an established Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Service, Teen Challenge Victoria is registered with the Hospitals and Charities Board and the Health Commission of Victoria
| Rotary Charity Golf Day
Great conditions, enthusiastic players, friendly BBQ lunch, drink cart, awards, raffles, auctions, hard working club members, and dinner with guest speaker Simon Madden ensured the Charity Golf Day to be a most successful and rewarding day.
The Rotary Club of Albert Park Golf Day committee and, would like to thank all involved in our second Charity Golf Day held last Friday March 19, 2010. Whether as a volunteer, a golfer, tee sponsor or dinner guest, you have helped raise $18,353.70 for The Cancer Council.
A big thankyou especially to Ian Henry for his preparation and committment for the fine running of this event. Well done Ian.
We will be handing this amount over to Michael Mitchell and a representative of The Cancer Council, at our meeting on March 31st.
Please join us on this occasion to further honour Michael's efforts of walking 6,000 kms for The Cancer Council.
The Rotary Club of Albert Park gratefully acknowledges the following tee sponsors -
Clements Hutchins D Bowman Plumbing Gandel Metals GPS Electrical Services GSB Chemical Company
Homewrap Packing & Supplies Ian Henry Financial Services Medibank Private Melbourne Trailer and Caravan Supplies Taco Bills Tom Waterhouse Urban Land Developments
Pic 1. Ian Henry's team.
Pic 2. Participants acknowledging the event holders.
Pic 3. President Joan Robison passing over a prize assisted by Ian Henry and Kerry Kornhauser.
More photo's and information available from photo downloads on web page.
| Speaker Simon Madden
At the Charity Golf Day Dinner we had retired footballer Simon Madden present a speech to us. Simon talked about his days playing under coach Kevin Sheedy. How Kevin addressed the players and the respect he has for the man.
Simon also talked about his admiration for Neil Danaher a what a fine gentleman he is. Simon now runs a business called winning please click on the following link to view.
We would like to thank Simon for giving up his time to come and speek at our Charity Golf Day Dinner.
Pictured above Simon Madden and Rotarian Judy Nicholson | School Water Filtration Project - India
Below are several photographs sent to the Club by Major Madhusudan Cherekar of the Rotary Club of Ahmedpur.
RC Ahmedpur, Maharashtra, India, Club number 26139, District 3130 http://rotary3130.org/
These photographs provide an informal record of the work to which our (RCAP), and District 9800's, Matching Grant contribution to the School Water Filtration Project have been put.
The Project has been completed under budget and the residual amount has been transferred to The Rotary Foundation India.
The inscription on the tank in one of the photographs has been translated as:
"In memory of late Rotarians Sanjay Jaju and Dr Arun Shastri
[who died in an accident while returning from a Rotary Meeting]
with collaboration of Rotary International [America] Rotary Club of Albert Park [Australia] Rotary Club of Ahmedpur Dr Vaibhav Reddy [President09-10] Chandrshekhar Sangvikar [Secretary[09-10] Dr Madhusudan Cherekar [Project In Charge] Arun Bhutda [President07-08]"
Well done Richard Goss and the International Committee | March Is Rotary Literacy Month
Rotary Literacy Month highlights literacy and education issues around the world. Celebrated in March each year, Rotary Literacy Month is an excellent
opportunity for Rotary clubs and districts to raise awareness about literacy, launch new literacy initiatives and projects, and recognize literacy accomplishments
from the past year. Rotarians everywhere are encouraged to participate in Rotary Literacy Month by engaging in service or activities that specifically address literacy and education issues either in their communities or abroad.
DG Colin Muir
"Empowering People Through Literacy"
Knowing how to read and write can transform a person's life. These basic skills, which so many of us take for granted, can mean a job, an income, and hope for a better future for those who are struggling to break the cycle of poverty. That's why Rotary has focused on promoting literacy for more than two decades, and why The Rotary Foundation has provided millions of dollars to support literacy projects. ...
(Click here for the Networker with the full DG's message)
| Comming Up
Relay for Life
- 1st and 2nd of May.
Stay tuned Liz Denittis will be forwarding details shortly.
| District 9800 Community News
District 9800
Community News
Edition 5
March 2010
Click HERE to view all details
| Door Roster
Please be sure to notify Editor Loretta Michaelsen hmlm@bigpond.net.au should you change your allocated time so it can be updated in the bulletin.
March 2010
Liz De Nittis, Kerry Kornhauser, Chris Lovett, Del Lovett
April 2010
Brian Beaumont, Yvonne Flanders, Helen Harris, Andrew Lilley, Greig McEwan
May 2010
Ken Hall, Tessa McGuigan, Ray Pape, Jeremy Paton
If you are unable to fulfil your door duty, please speak to another member and organise a replacement for yourself.
For all other queries about the door roster please contact Paul Sullivan 0412 818144 email psullivan@wtpartnership.com.au
| Community Meals
Rotary Club of Albert Park Community Meals
Want community Meals Instructions. Please login, go to My ClubRunner Box, Click on View Club Documents, then click on Community Meals Instructions.
If you have any issues or changes please contact Paul Flakus by Tuesday each week if you are unavailable OR that they have made alternative changes on 0417 567 747 Phone: 03 9589 1722 Fax: 03 9589 2799 or flakadog@optusnet.com.au
Community Meals March - June 2010 |
6th March
Kate Staniforth
Paul Flakus
Philip Schols
13th March
Kevin Mooney
Jim Prokhovnik
Paul Flakus
20th March
Vick Bird
Paul Flakus
Stephen Bond
27th March
Stephen Bond
Loryn Clark
Paul Flakus
3rd April
Paul Flakus
Ian Henry
Rose Annois
10th April
Paul Flakus
Loretta Michaelsen
Sue Foster
17th April
Henry Michaelsen
Paul Flakus
Michael Walstab
24th April
Paul Flakus
Liz De Nittis
Jim Prokhovnik
1st May
Rosie Annois
Paul Flakus
Kate Staniforth
8th May
Paul Flakus
Ivo Georgiev
David Gorman
15th May
Chris Lovett
Del Lovett
Paul Flakus
22nd May
Paul Flakus
Kerry Kornhauser
29th May
Paul Flakus
Tess McGuigan
Michael Walstab
5th June
Paul Flakus
Ian Wavish
Ken hall
12th June
Paul Flakus
Robert Redpath
Stephen Bond
19th June
Phil Schols
David Gorman
Paul Flakus
26th June
Lorraine McIIdowie
Rob McIldowie
Paul Flakus
| Club Presidents
03-11-92 Club / Chartered
03-11-92/94 Jim Corsie
1993-94 Doug Wade
1994-95 Gad Kolsky
1995-96 Rob Denton
1996-97 Ann White
1997-98 Loryn Clark
1998-99 David Gorman
1999-00 Vicki Teschke
2000-01 Mark Mills
2001-02 Gerry Phillips
2002-03 Clifton Warren
2003-04 Yolanda Pettinato
2004-05 Jessie Bainbridge
2005-06 Jim Prokhovnik
2006-07 Jenny Hunter
2007-08 Ken Hall
2008-09 Ian Henry
2009/2010 Joan Robison
| Past Bulletins
Bulletin Feb 17, 2010 Click HERE Bulletin Feb 24, 2010 Click HERE
Bulletin Mar 3, 2010 Click HERE Bulletin Mar 10, 2010 Click HERE
Bulletin Mar 17, 2010 Click HERE | Thats All For This Week by Loretta Michaelsen
That's all for this week, school holidays start at the end of this week, and easter just around the corner. Take care and enjoy our lovely Autumn weather.
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